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Showing posts with label muslim-state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muslim-state. Show all posts

The day 23rd March 1940, when our forefather passed a resolution in an All India Muslim League Annual Session at Minto Park Lahour called "Pakistan Resolution", which has its significance and importance in the creation of muslim state "pakistan". Its important to remember the reason for the creation of this State.

At Allahabad Session (December, 1930) of the All India Muslim League, when Iqbal in the Presidential Address, forwarded the idea of a Muslim State in India:

"I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Provinces, Sind and Baluchistan into a single State. Self-Government within the British Empire or without the British Empire. The formation of the consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of the North-West India".

Iqbal's letter, of June 21, 1937, to the Quaid-i Azam, only ten months before the former's death:

"A separate federation of Muslim Provinces, reformed on the lines I have suggested above, is the only course by which we can secure a peaceful India and save Muslims from the domination of Non-Muslims. Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nations entitled to self-determination just as other nations in India and outside India are".

Mr.Jnnah ones said after Returning from England in 1934:

"With our own distinctive culture and civilisation, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportion, legal/ laws and moral code, custom and calendar, history and tradition, aptitude and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law we are a Nation."

It is important to keep in mind the facts and requirement that was at the time of creation of this state, Pakistani ideology is based on the fact that the Muslims are completely separate nation, having their own civilization,their own customs,their own culture, their own religion and a totally different way of life from Hindus or any other Nation. Muslims cannot be merged in any other nation because their philosophy of life is based on the principles of Islam.
Its also important for us to act according to the principles of Islam otherwise we will be and our civilization, culture, Values, Politics,social life, economics, our laws and everything will be vanished under the global economic and political changes under the roof of capitalism which is on his peak and start overtaking not the buisnesses but the Nations.

What is more to come to open the eyes of muslim world, what are you waiting for? Is your soul also died with your faith? Scare of to be alone if resist before the evil? what if your child was one of the victim of that fire what we called friendly fire or cross fire? Scare of to be treated like Afganistan? Scare of to be ruined like Iraq? Listen they are more live then us even they can response the offense.
Its time to response, its time to wake. Prosperity and wealth is not the sign of success, a true muslim knows that what we have here is artificial and this world will be ended sooner or later.
All the politicians, dictators, kings, rulers, governments, elective represantatives, parties presidents, religious personalities and every individual will be answerable if clame to be a believer of hereafter.
We should all come together to counter this War against Islam(the religion of piece), and war against humanity. One should not be a part of those distroying human values and making this world hell not only for humans but for every living creature.
Killers of those innocent childerns in palestine, Iraq, afganistan will pay the debt of every drop of their blood.

9th of November, public holiday in pakistan called Iqbal day,"Poet of the East", It was the 130th birth anniversary of the Poet Allama Iqbal.
Iqbal inspiring work refects in his poetry, social reformer, his poetry reflect the ideology of islam, he believes in the foundation of muslim state based on the principles of islam. He gave a new spirit and urged for unity of Muslims as one nation, his influential work will remain guidelines for upcoming period. Some of his poetic work which i like to share with you.

دريوزہ خلافت

اگر ملک ہاتھوں سے جاتا ہے، جائے
تو احکام حق سے نہ کر بے وفائي
نہيں تجھ کو تاريخ سے آگہي کيا
خلافت کي کرنے لگا تو گدائي
خريديں نہ جس کو ہم اپنے لہو سے
مسلماں کو ہے ننگ وہ پادشائي
مرا از شکستن چناں عار نايد ''
'' کہ از ديگراں خواستن موميائي

بلاد اسلاميہ

سرزميں دلي کي مسجود دل غم ديدہ ہے
ذرے ذرے ميں لہو اسلاف کا خوابيدہ ہے
پاک اس اجڑے گلستاں کي نہ ہو کيونکر زميں
خانقاہ عظمت اسلام ہے يہ سرزميں
سوتے ہيں اس خاک ميں خير الامم کے تاجدار
نظم عالم کا رہا جن کي حکومت پر مدار
دل کو تڑپاتي ہے اب تک گرمي محفل کي ياد
جل چکا حاصل مگر محفوظ ہے حاصل کي ياد
ہے زيارت گاہ مسلم گو جہان آباد بھي
اس کرامت کا مگر حق دار ہے بغداد بھي
يہ چمن وہ ہے کہ تھا جس کے ليے سامان ناز
لالہ صحرا جسے کہتے ہيں تہذيب حجاز
خاک اس بستي کي ہو کيونکر نہ ہمدوش ارم
جس نے ديکھے جانشينان پيمبر کے قدم
جس کے غنچے تھے چمن ساماں ، وہ گلشن ہے يہي
کاپنتا تھا جن سے روما ، ان کا مدفن ہے يہي
ہے زمين قرطبہ بھي ديدہء مسلم کا نور
ظلمت مغرب ميں جو روشن تھي مثل شمع طور
بجھ کے بزم ملت بيضا پريشاں کر گئي
اور ديا تہذيب حاضر کا فروزاں کر گئي
قبر اس تہذيب کي يہ سر زمين پاک ہے
جس سے تاک گلشن يورپ کي رگ نم ناک ہے
خطہ قسطنطنيہ يعني قيصر کا ديار
مہدي امت کي سطوت کا نشان پائدار
صورت خاک حرم يہ سر زميں بھي پاک ہے
آستان مسند آرائے شہ لولاک ہے
نکہت گل کي طرح پاکيزہ ہے اس کي ہوا
تربت ايوب انصاري سے آتي ہے صدا
اے مسلماں! ملت اسلام کا دل ہے يہ شہر
سينکڑوں صديوں کي کشت و خوں کا حاصل ہے يہ شہر
وہ زميں ہے تو مگر اے خواب گاہ مصطفي
ديد ہے کعبے کو تيري حج اکبر سے سوا
خاتم ہستي ميں تو تاباں ہے مانند نگيں
اپني عظمت کي ولادت گاہ تھي تيري زميں
تجھ ميں راحت اس شہنشاہ معظم کو ملي
جس کے دامن ميں اماں اقوام عالم کو ملي
نام ليوا جس کے شاہنشاہ عالم کے ہوئے
جانشيں قيصر کے ، وارث مسند جم کے ہوئے
ہے اگر قوميت اسلام پابند مقام
ہند ہي بنياد ہے اس کي ، نہ فارس ہے ، نہ شام
آہ يثرب! ديس ہے مسلم کا تو ، ماوا ہے تو
نقطہ جاذب تاثر کي شعاعوں کا ہے تو
جب تلک باقي ہے تو دنيا ميں ، باقي ہم بھي ہيں
صبح ہے تو اس چمن ميں گوہر شبنم بھي ہيں


اس راز کو اک مرد فرنگي نے کيا فاش
ہر چند کہ دانا اسے کھولا نہيں کرتے
جمہوريت اک طرز حکومت ہے کہ جس ميں
بندوں کو گنا کرتے ہيں ، تولا نہيں کرتے

Now i like to share some of Allama Iqbal famous quotes:

"Since love first made the breast an instrument
Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart
Was molten to a mirror, like a rose
I pluck my breast apart, that I may hang
This mirror in your sight
Gaze you therein."

"I am but as the spark that gleams for a moment,
His burning candle consumed me - the moth;
His wine overwhelmed my goblet,
The master of Rum transmuted my earth to gold
And set my ashes aflame."

"But only a brief moment
is granted to the brave
one breath or two, whose wage is
The long nights of the grave."

"I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky,
And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon."