We are running on US Aid, Grants given to us are not because they love us or they want us to be florished. But why not pakistan reject these kind of aids! Are you kidding? Dont you see how well dress our rulers are, you should always give a smile while looking at the shiny car rally of our VIP's. If you are hugry dont be frustrated, get use to electricity shutdown, judiciary will be restore one day(only and if president agree to do so). People who voted PPP should respect NRO and should respect president musharraf and must follow the commands as according to the deal. People of pakistan living in the north-western areas are terrorist and deserve to be treated as enemy to pakistan, because we are bond to declear them terrorist as we are an ally in US War against terrorism(Muslims).
Questions remains unanswerable, if thats a policy of a peoples elected and voted party then why to blame PML(Q)?, I still remember the faces of PML(Q) spokemans in these kind of situations, but look at this government they dont even feel guilty on any single issue.
What I mean to say is the political sensibility, new ideas, ability to resolve issues, safeguarding moral values and most importantly the "Will to do". But those who are from ages trying to surve there Godfathers can never lead the country, because they are mentally trained to obey the commands instead of given the Orders. They will keep looking toward their masters, creators and boses.
Is it all what we have? is it all what peoples wanting. Real problems are bigger then our observations. we even forgot the differences between independance and dependance, we still claps on the jokers of politics who only knows what words can grab the attention of the audience.
Its time to wake up to take what we deserve, and give them what they deserve the most, otherwise our identity, our religious values even our own childerns will be sold in global market one day.
Are we coming Back to politics of 90'es? Unexpected policies of peoples elected parties. Where are we going and what could we achieve by so called democratic elected government? Most importanly we should set the priorty first to be address. But we as a nation are completely losted in the wested interest of the world power. we couldnt even understand that it is Allah who gave life and decide the Rizq of any nation and no super power interep what you desearve.
If government of pakistan included President Musharraf use to ask everything from USA and unable to use their own skills and talent to safeguard the policies good for pakistan then why not they elected any person directly from Bush cabinet to decide the future of our nation. And after the excuse by his own party PML-Q not interested to be the part of Government in current political situation. He should understand before too late.
Our army? everyone knows about our army, people may die on a road, suiside due to hunger, economic fall. whatever the case no one dear to cut a single rupee from their budget. Our beloved army can only operate against our own people, what about all the money we had paid in the taxes to become an atomic power? we couldn't defend a single attack from outside just because our army can only fight with own brothers, what if when India will become more powerful as he trying to progress economically and politically attacks on our land what options we would have? Remember no army can fight with enemy without the support of their peoples and i think our army better knows about their image.
We already had Enough talk on NRO, it is certified that most profitable and less-risky profession of our country is Politics, Just you need to have some money to invest on. Coming back to politics we have to face zardari's constitutional package with hope to be in our national interest(not for his personal interest)and for strengthening our parliament. Movement for Independent Judiciary is started again, let see how much pressure it can build on federal government (PML-N declared full support in Punjab province).
Pakistan currently is going onward? How much truth is in this sentence no one knows. But Pervez Musharraf is definately got which no politician in pakistan ever got, Yes
I am talking about 8 years of rule and still he succeed in his plan for 5 more year of rule. If i remember corectly some politicians from Muslim leaque(Q) were talking about possible alliance there can be for next government. But they cant believe APDM can Boycott the coming election, According to my views if the public pressure build in before election then All parties remain Stick on there decision of a boycott. PPP and fazul-ur-rahman remain not interested in APDM decisions, they should look for Pakistan instead of there own Political intrests and personal gains. Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed and Peoples from civil society urged Pakistan's political parties not to take part in election under such conditions.
It will be very difficult for pervez musharraf to clear the reservations of the opposition parties. Some observers thinks that we should look forward, forget independant judiciary, they says media should be in limit under government idealogy. Look we are in 3rd phase of Democracy under President Pervez Musharraf vision of Democracy, Here we are going to waste millions of rupees in election to form a parliament which can be desolve anytime by president without any explainations. There will not be any voting against President Pervez Musharraf decisions under parliment. Same as we saw issues discussed in the last parliment which has completed his tenure, There will be no independant judiciary to give justise to anyone, it will more likely to be working as one of the president's Office, Is this what
pervez musharraf called Ideal Democracy where there is no check and balance over President of pakistan. If there is a ragging in the coming Election, no institution will gave justise to any political party. Another Point in favour of not lifting Emergency is we cant have accountability and debates to discuss wrong policies adobted by previous Government.
President Gen. Pervez Musharraf will seek a new five-year term in a presidential election set for October 6, As said that Musharraf's current term expiring on November 15. The Supreme Court on Thursday continued hearing a raft of complaints -- including over recent changes to the election rules that favor Musharraf, and the judgment is most probably expected on 24 october. APDM (all partied democratic movement) had annouce there resigning from assemblies after hearing the presidential election schedule. PPPP still not intrested in paricipating in any APDM decisions, and on the other hand Maulana fazal-ur-rahman of JUI not looking possitive on APDM current decission. The role of Benazir & Fazal-ur-rahman are continue looking Ambiguous in the current senario, that is to see what will be Musharraf's choice to deal with, but some people thinks that deal has been done but not announced so it will be the political situation which will give us clue and clues are start coming and very much visible. PML (Q) are looking united still but if Musharraf want to set a united state favorable team of moderate forces to be supported then it will be very critical to go aside with all this.