All the private channels national and international are still closed in Pakistan, but those peoples who want to be updated with the news of current situation are very much depending on the Internet news and satellite transmission through dish. Coming to the point, Is Internet news reliable? I mean if anyone want to know something he should rely on the search engine results. Isn't there can be any manipulations on the issues? No is the answer. But as like electronic media their is an influence of bigger groups on the search engines result which is definitely legal and result are shown on the basics of algorithm designed to display appropriate result. No i am not trying to blame Search engine my simple point is about the Right of people to know the truth, If a group portraying the misconception or falsehood about anything there should be a equal channel to get the other's point of view. Otherwise Truth will be vanished out from the web. This is important specially for news and for access to the reliable information. We should see both sides of the story to decide what is more likely to be truth.
seo news pakistan
Showing posts with label Reliable-News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reliable-News. Show all posts
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